World Greatest Personal Luxury Submarines

Triton 1000
U.S. Submarines, Inc.

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Price around $1.9 Million

The Triton is a new, state-of-the-art, luxury deep submersible available in 2- or 3-passenger configurations for rated depths of either 1000 or 3000 feet. Unlike other submersibles advertised for use aboard large yachts, the Triton was designed specifically to be yacht-based, by a group that has a tremendous amount of operational experience with deep submersibles of all types. Critical to the safety of yacht based operations, the Triton’s catamaran configuration provides extraordinary surface stability coupled with excellent freeboard between water-line and hatch to allow for comfortable and safe exit and entry while surfaced. Minimum weight, ease of maintenance and intuitive operation with touch screen monitors and digital proportional joystick control make Triton the submarine of choice for the discerning yacht owner.

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